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 楼主| 发表于 2021-10-14 14:08:02 | 只看该作者








 楼主| 发表于 2021-11-4 20:20:52 | 只看该作者


 楼主| 发表于 2021-11-5 13:18:57 | 只看该作者

 楼主| 发表于 2021-11-6 14:40:58 | 只看该作者
前几日刷屏的新闻是社交媒体巨头脸书Facebook在Facebook Connect大会上表示,公司改名为Meta,聚焦于建立“元宇宙”(metaverse),此前的VR眼镜品牌Oculus品牌名也将被取消,公司股票代码也将在12月1日开始换成“MVRS”,即Metaverse的简称。这是在最近脸书丑闻不断、业绩疲软之后的突围而出之举,还是布局未来的品牌升级之战,我们不得而知,但我们可以看到的是这一周密集的北美社交媒体三季度季报中,网络社交媒体的业绩下滑、隐私和反垄断调查的未来阴影,已经将各类曾经叱姹风云的科技个股蒸发了百亿市值。

也许脸书改名是为了对抗日前《华尔街日报》等媒体联盟组建的Facebook档案的负面报道而不得不为之的行为,毕竟从前任雇员Frances Haugen作为“深喉“自曝身份并参与国会听证之后,Facebook的反击一直都很不到位。一会儿抹黑Haugen的雇员身份从而希望打击她提供的材料的真实可信度,一会儿又拿传统媒体和网络媒体的宿仇做借口,说是CBS、《华尔街日报》一直看不惯Facebook才开始“做局”Facebook和Ins等社交软件,是为了负面而负面的行径。从受众角度看,这些理由不仅牵强附会,而且有明显的甩锅意图,完全不是公关危机的正确处理之道。



从苹果的新隐私规则上线以后,行家就预测不能监测用户使用习惯的社交媒体,将使得用户在平台看到广告以后采取浏览或一键购买的网络消费行为联系变得很困难,因此就会直接影响社交媒体广告的收入。此前,用户被问及是否希望他们在某些应用程序中的活动被跟踪时,根据应用分析提供商Flurry的数据,全球只有23%的iOS用户选择接受跟踪。但拒绝被脸书跟踪的消费者,在所有平台中吸引了最多的广告支出,但此后将很难进行跟踪转化率的数据报告给广告商。7月份时,Facebook自己也发布了基于广告收入增长疲软将可能导致的盈利预警。从Meta公司财报中会将Facebook Reality Labs业务营收与其它业务营收划分开来的行动中看,改名为Meta也进一步凸显了Facebook将AR和VR等虚拟业务作为重点去打造。新名字的公司也会在全球招募更多的科学家和工程师去打造元宇宙的新业务基础设施。


有趣的是,作为硅谷日前的元老级公司,2015年谷歌也经历过一次改名事件,当时谷歌宣布成立一家名为Alphabet的新公司,新成立的Alphabet将成为谷歌的母公司,谷歌原先的Google X、Google Ventures等业务部门也都将成为和谷歌并列的Alphabet的子公司。谷歌的重组从品牌角度扩大了其业务的内涵和外延,同时引入了创新和富有想象力空间的股价增值效果,因此成为了更名引发业绩良好的案例。

为了应对苹果的变革,广告商们纷纷开始自建精准投放效果监测平台,以零售业为例,大广告商沃尔玛就未雨绸缪的建设了网络广告的内部系统应对变化。沃尔玛强大的第一方全渠道数据日前开始,比任何其他平台都能更清楚地看到客户。因此内部系统的Walmart Connect整合了在线广告与4700多家沃尔玛商店的购买活动,并分析其强弱相关联性。除了可以指导沃尔玛自己的广告预算投放之外,还可以给沃尔玛卖场中的各类快消品及其老练的广告商梦提供依靠精细准确的监测数据来决定哪些广告活动有效,哪些无效的策划和建议。广告商们已经清楚地知道他们的Facebook广告今后只会在宏观层面发挥品牌影响力的作用,但无法在若干个广告活动层面提供评估论据和帮助。而这种自建监测平台或者依赖WPP、Ominicom等大型广告集团开发新系统,也将会成为广告金主们的日常运营常态。



 楼主| 发表于 2021-11-9 13:45:46 | 只看该作者


(德国之声中文网)据路透社报道,中国电子商务巨头阿里巴巴并无意出售香港英文报纸《南华早报》的股权。《南华早报》CEO刘可瑞(Gary Liu)在写给员工的一份信函中称,阿里巴巴的联合创始人蔡崇信希望向员工传达一个信息,即澄清没有改变所有权的计划。








 楼主| 发表于 2021-12-1 15:08:22 | 只看该作者

二次上市 微博周一启动在香港招股

在中美竞争的背景下,已在美国纳斯达克上市的中国社交网络平台微博周一宣布,该公司在香港即日展开二次上市招股,希望筹募4.85 亿欧元。


相当于推特的中国新浪微博自 2014 年已在美国上市。该公司表示,周一在香港股市二次上市,将发行1100 万股股票,每股 388 港元,共计 4.85 亿欧元。


于此同时,在与美国技术竞争的背景下,中国正在加大收紧公司在外国上市的条件。担心敏感数据被转移到国外,北京希望要对国外上市公司首先进行网络安全风险的彻底彻查。据彭博社报道,中国当局已要求今年夏天才在华尔街上市的滴滴撤出美国股市。这一主导中国网约车市场的公司自 7 月以来一直受到中国监管机构的调查,主要原因担心其收集私人数据被泄露。



 楼主| 发表于 2021-12-2 23:47:11 | 只看该作者


 楼主| 发表于 2021-12-6 01:02:24 | 只看该作者

CNNFires Chris Cuomo Amid Inquiry Into His Efforts to Aid His Brother
The network said it had “terminated him, effective immediately,” amove that came days after a lawyer for a former colleague accused the host ofsexual misconduct.

Chris Cuomo, the top-rated anchor at CNN,had built a successful broadcast career outside of his famed political family.
Chris Cuomo, the top-rated anchor at CNN,had built a successful broadcast career outside of his famed politicalfamily.Credit...Mike Blake/Reuters
Michael M. GrynbaumJohn KoblinJodi Kantor
By Michael M. Grynbaum, John Koblin andJodi Kantor
Published Dec. 4, 2021
Updated Dec. 5, 2021, 1:18 a.m. ET
The star anchor Chris Cuomo was fired byCNN on Saturday, completing a stunning downfall for the network’s top-rated host amid a continuing inquiry into his efforts to helphis brother, Andrew M. Cuomo, then the governor of New York, stave off sexualharassment accusations.

The anchor was suspended on Tuesday aftertestimony and text messages released by the New York attorney general revealeda more intimate and engaged role in his brother’spolitical affairs than the network said it had previously known.

On Wednesday, Debra S. Katz, a prominentemployment lawyer, informed CNN of a client with an allegation of sexualmisconduct against Chris Cuomo. Ms. Katz said in a statement on Saturday thatthe allegation against the anchor, which was made by a former junior colleagueat another network, was “unrelated to the Gov. AndrewCuomo matter.”

It was not fully clear what role theallegation played in CNN’s decision to dismiss Mr.Cuomo. Ms. Katz is also the lawyer for Charlotte Bennett, a onetime aide toAndrew Cuomo who accused the former governor in February of sexual harassment.


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Asked about the new allegation, a CNNspokeswoman said in a statement on Saturday night: “Basedon the report we received regarding Chris’s conductwith his brother’s defense, we had cause to terminate.When new allegations came to us this week, we took them seriously, and saw noreason to delay taking immediate action.”

A spokesman for Mr. Cuomo, Steven Goldberg,said in a statement on Saturday, “These apparentlyanonymous allegations are not true.”

Ms. Katz said that her client “came forward because she was disgusted by Chris Cuomo’s on-air statements in response to the allegations made against hisbrother, Gov. Andrew Cuomo.” Ms. Katz cited a March 1broadcast in which Chris Cuomo said: “I have alwayscared very deeply about these issues, and profoundly so. I just wanted to tellyou that.”

Mr. Cuomo’sspokesman responded that the former anchor “fullystands by his on-air statements about his connection to these issues, bothprofessionally and in a profoundly personal way. If the goal in making thesefalse and unvetted accusations was to see Mr. Cuomo punished by CNN, that mayexplain his unwarranted termination.”

Earlier on Saturday, CNN said it had “retained a respected law firm to conduct a review” of the anchor’s involvement with AndrewCuomo’s political team. “Whilein the process of that review, additional information has come to light,” CNN said. “Despite the termination, we willinvestigate as appropriate.”

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As the gregarious and sometimes combativehost of CNN’s 9 p.m. hour, Mr. Cuomo was at the peak ofa broadcast journalism career that he had forged outside of his famed politicalfamily. But it was the troubles of his brother, who resigned the governorshipin August, that ultimately embroiled Mr. Cuomo in a controversy that appearedto precipitate his dismissal.

“This is not how I want my time at CNN toend but I have already told you why and how I helped my brother,” Chris Cuomo said in a statement earlier on Saturday. “So let me now say as disappointing as this is, I could not be moreproud of the team at Cuomo Prime Time and the work we did as CNN’s #1 show in the most competitive time slot.”

Until last month, Mr. Cuomo had enjoyed thesupport of CNN’s president, Jeff Zucker, and he facedno discipline for his behind-the-scenes strategizing with Andrew Cuomo’s political aides, a breach of basic journalistic norms.

But documents released on Nov. 29 revealedthat the anchor offered advice on Andrew Cuomo’s publicstatements and made efforts to uncover the status of pending articles at othernews outlets, including The New Yorker and Politico, concerning harassmentallegations against his brother.

Mr. Zucker — whohad been steadfast in backing Chris Cuomo, at one point saying the anchor was “human” and facing “veryunique circumstances” — informed the anchor on Saturdaythat he was being fired. “It goes without saying thatthese decisions are not easy, and there are a lot of complex factors involved,” Mr. Zucker wrote in a memo to CNN staff.

The spectacle of a high-profile anchoradvising his powerful politician brother amid scandal was a longstandingheadache for many CNN journalists, who privately expressed discomfort atactions that, in their view, compromised the network’scredibility. The CNN anchor Jake Tapper went public with his concerns in May,telling The New York Times that his colleague had “putus in a bad spot,” adding, “Icannot imagine a world in which anybody in journalism thinks that that wasappropriate.”

Even so, the timing of Mr. Cuomo’s firing, on a Saturday at 5 p.m., caught many members of the CNNnewsroom off guard.


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The network’sdecision earlier in the week to suspend Mr. Cuomo had left open the possibilitythat he might return to the channel at a later date. CNN’s chief media correspondent, Brian Stelter, speculated on air onWednesday that it was “possible he’ll be back in January.”

The network said on Tuesday it would beginan internal review of Mr. Cuomo’s conduct. But its executiveshad not immediately planned to hire an outside law firm, according to a personfamiliar with the network’s internal decision-makingprocess. That plan changed in recent days, and CNN declined on Saturday toidentify the name of the law firm it had retained.

The Downfall of Andrew Cuomo
Card 1 of 5
The path to resignation. After drawingnational praise for his leadership in the early days of the pandemic, New YorkGovernor Andrew Cuomo was confronted with several scandals that eventually ledto his resignation on Aug. 10, 2021. Here is what to know about his politicaldemise:

Sexual harassment accusations. Multiplewomen accused Mr. Cuomo of harassment, including groping and lewd remarks. Anindependent inquiry by the New York State attorney general corroborated theaccounts. The investigation also found that he retaliated against at least onewoman who made her complaints public.

Nursing home controversy. The Cuomoadministration came under fire for undercounting the number of nursing-homedeaths caused by Covid-19 in the first half of 2020. The official tally mighthave undercounted the true toll by as much as 50 percent.

Book deal. The attorney general’s report found that Mr. Cuomo used state workers to produce hispandemic memoir, breaking a promise to the Joint Commission on Public Ethicsnot to use state resources for its completion. The board subsequently voted torevoke its authorization for the book.

Chris Cuomo’sinvolvement. Chris Cuomo, a CNN anchor and Andrew Cuomo’s brother, was suspended indefinitely by the network on Nov. 30,after the New York State attorney general released new evidence about hisfar-reaching efforts to assist his sibling that were in breach of journalisticstandards. He was fired on Dec. 4.

Before joining CNN, Mr. Cuomo spent yearsas an on-air correspondent, covering wildfires, shooting rampages and warzones, most prominently at ABC News. He was one of Mr. Zucker’s first major hires after he became president of the network in2013. A morning show, “New Day,” was organized in part around Mr. Cuomo’sbombastic, fast-talking on-air personality.

The awkwardness of his relationship withAndrew Cuomo — who was among the most powerfulDemocratic politicians in the country — became apparentalmost immediately: In 2013, the network was criticized after Chris Cuomo twiceinterviewed his brother on “New Day.”

In 2018, Mr. Cuomo moved to prime-time,taking the coveted 9 p.m. slot. “Cuomo Prime Time” became CNN’s highest-rated hour, althoughit regularly attracted fewer viewers than competitors on Fox News and MSNBC.

At the onset of the pandemic, Andrew Cuomobecame a leading national figure in the government response. Chris Cuomo beganinterviewing his brother in prime time, and their teasing banter and emotional conversationsbecame a hit with viewers. Ratings surged further after Chris Cuomo contractedthe coronavirus; he continued broadcasting, and interviewing his brother, fromquarantine in the basement of his Long Island home. Mr. Zucker praised thesegments for their “authenticity and relatability andvulnerability.”

“That’s what thebrothers Cuomo are giving us right now,” Mr. Zuckertold The Times in April 2020.

The next year, as Andrew Cuomo was facingan increasing number of sexual harassment accusations, Chris Cuomo recusedhimself from reporting on the scandal, leaving a prime-time hole in CNN’s coverage of what was turning out to be a national news story.


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At the same time, away from the anchordesk, Chris Cuomo was participating in strategy sessions with the governor’s top aides. It also emerged that Andrew Cuomo had arranged for hisbrother’s Covid tests to receive priority treatment bythe state. CNN did not discipline Chris Cuomo, and at one point offered theanchor a leave of absence if he wished to more formally help his brother.

After Andrew Cuomo resigned, Chris Cuomodefended himself on the Aug. 16 episode of his program. “I’m not an adviser, I’m a brother,” the anchor said. “I never attacked nor encouraged anyone to attack any woman who cameforward. I never made calls to the press about my brother’s situation.”

But the new batch of testimony and textmessages suggested that Mr. Cuomo did function as an adviser and did reach outto journalists. “When asked, I would reach out tosources, other journalists, to see if they had heard of anybody else comingout,” he told investigators.

In September, another former colleague,Shelley Ross, who had worked with Mr. Cuomo at ABC News, described an instancewhen the anchor touched her inappropriately at a gathering in 2005. In an essaypublished in the opinion section of The Times, Ms. Ross wrote that Mr. Cuomo “greeted me with a strong bear hug while lowering one hand to firmlygrab and squeeze the cheek of my buttock.”

In a response published by The Times aspart of the essay, Mr. Cuomo said: “As Shelleyacknowledges, our interaction was not sexual in nature. It happened 16 yearsago in a public setting when she was a top executive at ABC. I apologized toher then, and I meant it.”

Ms. Ross had been Mr. Cuomo’s boss at ABC News before the incident she described; at thegathering, she wrote, Mr. Cuomo told her, “I can dothis now that you’re no longer my boss.” She wrote that she was inspired to publish the essay partly becauseMr. Cuomo had “escaped accountability” for advising his brother while working as a CNN news anchor, andalso because of the statements he had made on March 1, in which he spoke ofcaring “very deeply” about theissue of sexual harassment.

Michael M. Grynbaum is a mediacorrespondent covering the intersection of business, culture and politics.@grynbaum

John Koblin covers the television industry.He reports on the companies and personalities behind the scripted TV boom, andthe networks that broadcast the news. He previously covered fashion. @koblin

Jodi Kantor is a Pulitzer Prize-winninginvestigative reporter and co-author of “She Said”, which recounts how she and Megan Twohey broke the story of sexualabuse allegations against Harvey Weinstein, helping to ignite the #MeToomovement. @jodikantor • Facebook


 楼主| 发表于 2021-12-13 19:23:34 | 只看该作者



 楼主| 发表于 2021-12-13 20:34:30 | 只看该作者


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