



楼主: 刘海明
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发表于 2013-2-8 20:02:27 | 只看该作者


 楼主| 发表于 2013-2-11 16:47:05 | 只看该作者
//@在水一方风铃草://@收税招发表了//@不够-八卦:周刊官网上也有刊登。@杨锦麟 @白云峰 @白宗义-VC @法图麦的妈妈 @李承鹏 @李稻葵 @NUS张军@袁莉wsj @辕门射戟吕布 @于建嵘 @赵普 @正和岛刘东华 @湛江李开浓 @赵晓 @张醒生 @郑新业 @光头蒙男 @分享投资白文涛 @宋鸿兵 @师永刚 @师迅斋主

《证券市场周刊》报社保亏空2万亿,投资回报才1.8%,跑输通货膨胀。社保让鼎晖管理其总额5.5%的50亿基金。 鼎晖总裁焦震偷取30亿项目,致社保等损失24亿。鼎晖隔空否认却不敢告举报人诽谤。 专家称社保有义务披露相关信息,展开调查,并冻结鼎晖管理的社保基金。http://t.cn/zYqAxb2 @学习粉丝团

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2月5日22:15來自三星Galaxy SIII

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26分鐘前 來自iPhone客户端

 楼主| 发表于 2013-2-11 19:14:40 | 只看该作者


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14分鐘前 來自新浪微博 |  檢舉

发表于 2013-2-14 11:54:26 | 只看该作者

  【时代华纳或出售25亿杂志资产】据外媒报道,美国时代华纳公司正考虑全部或部分出售旗下杂志业务,包括《人物》、《Real Simple》、《娱乐周刊》和《InStyle》等。据估算,上述杂志资产市值大约为25亿美元。不过,时代华纳将保留对《时代》、《体育画报》和《财富》的所有权。

 楼主| 发表于 2013-2-15 11:01:30 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 刘海明 于 2013-2-15 11:02 编辑

News app lets readers subscribe to specific journalists
The app was launched following the closure of free Dutch newspaper De Pers last year and takes the idea of 'the journalist as the brand'

Posted: 13 February 2013 By: Rachel McAthy

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Copyright: Image by Alexander Kirch, Dreamtime.com

A news app which offers readers subscriptions to specific journalists has been launched following the closure of a free Dutch newspaper.

The print newspaper De Pers was closed last year "because of a lack of advertising", former editor-in-chief Jan-Jaap Heij told Journalism.co.uk. Now Heij is managing director of DNP, a news app which has adopted the model of "the journalist as the brand".

According to Heij, when print newspaper De Pers was still running, it had been experimenting with a digital-only newspaper, and following the closure of the print title this was "reinvented" to become DNP within around eight months.

While some of the content on the app, such as that found within its reviews section or liveblog, is free to access, the app includes a subscription model for readers to access the work of individual journalists.

"What we believe is that people, journalists, matter more now than media brands. Readers follow journalists, not so much newspapers or media anymore. What we are trying to achieve is a channel approach in which we give journalists the possibility to publish for themselves."

The subscription channels on the app can therefore act like "their own newspaper".

"We do not select the content but we select the journalist that we want to work with. They are all independent brands and they can edit and market themselves."

Currently the group of journalists writing for the app, which include some of those from the print newspaper, are all based in Holland.

"We started out with 11 people, the first newcomer will arrive in a week or so and we have about 200 people that want to join.

"The journalists don't have to invest anything, there is no set up fee or anything... They have no cost, but they have to spend time in content and also in marketing, in promoting themselves."

Heij added that the content includes unique and republished material, and is based on a split of around 50 per cent each.

Currently the content is largely text-based, although there are also some slideshows and video. But Heij added that "we are thinking about video channels, about photography channels, about literature channels, all sorts of media".

"It has to fit within our brand, which is a little bit young and provocative at times, but not too much, and also cheerful and optimistic, but it can be all sorts of media, all sorts of content."

Currently the app is for iOS only, with a full website due to launch in several weeks. But Heikj said "we're still thinking about Windows 8 and Android and we're hoping a good HTML5 website will solve all that so we don't have to deliver a complete range of apps".

Another feature of the app is its "liveblog", which he said is "a complete turnaround of the traditional liveblog".

He described a traditional model as where "there is a major event and you try to bring all the news about it as fast as possible and as complete as possible".

"We have turned this around in terms of what we want to do is take one subject, which we think is important, and follow this for an entire week. And if it's really important it might even be two weeks.

"So we're trying to bring all the news and all there is to share about one subject, for a longer period of time, to have a complete view of one topic. Instead of having a view about an event as fast as you can, having a view about a more long-term subject as complete as possible."

As well as trying a non-traditional liveblog model, he said the app also chose to "leave the traditional media startups model behind us" too, and instead hoped the popularity of the newspaper in the Netherlands would help it secure readership backing by crowdfunding.

Through crowdfunding it raised around ㈠5,000, which could then be added to other money raised and invested in the app.

The app was developed by imgZine, which blogged about the app's launch this week.

Subscriptions are ㄠ.79 a month per journalist, or ㄠ6.99 a year. Or readers can subscribe to all journalists for 4.49 a month or 37.99 a year.




荷兰一家报纸关闭后,出现由单个媒体人制作内容的付费订阅的移动应用 DNP。“我们相信,现在是媒体人比媒体更加重要,读者不是报纸或其他媒体的粉丝,而是媒体人的粉丝” 。这会成为一种趋势吗?http://t.cn/zYiuKjd

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17分鐘前 來自iPhone客户端

 楼主| 发表于 2013-2-16 19:21:24 | 只看该作者

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 楼主| 发表于 2013-2-17 16:00:29 | 只看该作者

【Traditional media Under New Management】我的一份年终总结:传统媒体在洗牌中。与其做遗老遗少,在一个旧时代的余晖里逐渐失去行动能力,不如做革命党人,创造一个在新纪元里让高质量内容仍能获得合理市场定价的商业模式。现在,是时候打破铁屋子了

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17分鐘前 來自360安全浏览器

 楼主| 发表于 2013-2-17 17:58:03 | 只看该作者
//@窦含章: 几千人排队有必要吗?一个部门一个部门领不好吗?多浪费时间啊,跟难民营领救济似的,纯属摆拍//@黄日涵-白鹤: 腾讯的福利确实不错

【腾讯公司数千员工排长队领红包】http://t.cn/zYat4tC 2013年2月17日,深圳腾讯大厦,腾讯员工在马化腾办公室外排队领红包。排队领红包的人从39楼一路排到1楼大厦外!据说有四五千人。

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29分鐘前 來自Weico.iPhone

 楼主| 发表于 2013-2-18 22:22:05 | 只看该作者

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 楼主| 发表于 2013-2-19 17:57:50 | 只看该作者
这是否可用创新扩散理论来解释?//@郭庆光_人语天声: 简单了点,不过还是不错:)//@娄上有个月亮: 相当中肯!


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13分鐘前 來自新浪微博


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