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发表于 2014-4-26 19:37:10 | 只看该作者
【《中国传媒产业发展报告(2014)》发布】报告指出:2013年,中国传媒产业总产值规模是8902. 4亿元,同比增长16. 2%,增长率较2012年上涨近4个百分点。电视、互联网及移动媒体成为产业增长的主要支柱。预计2014年传媒产业将继续保持增长态势,产值有望突破万亿元。详见:http://t.cn/8sY6jvf


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4月22日20 : 40來自微博 weibo.com

 楼主| 发表于 2014-4-30 09:02:30 | 只看该作者

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 楼主| 发表于 2014-4-30 19:01:01 | 只看该作者
大数据应用非常需要市场及营销人员与技术人员充分沟通需求、规则及实现的可能性。@沈浩老师 @武大沈阳 @新浪微营销 @微数据 //@Jadalex: 广告(技术方向)忙着融资,4A类型的忙着并购。但不论是前三个哪一个,现在都离不开数据,管它是大,还是厚,有用就行



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今天 09:11來自iPhone客户端

发表于 2014-6-19 21:39:08 | 只看该作者

中新网6月19日电 据新闻出版门户网站阅读频道官方微博“悦读中国”消息,国家新闻出版广电总局党组书记蒋建国今日强调,昨天八起新闻敲诈典型案例公布后,有人把国家新闻出版广电总局的一些要求误读为不允许批评性报道,事实上我们历来坚决保护记者正当合法的采访权益,也积极支持新闻媒体开展舆论监督。



 楼主| 发表于 2014-7-8 09:47:10 | 只看该作者



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 楼主| 发表于 2014-7-13 10:16:26 | 只看该作者



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7月10日11 : 06來自微博 weibo.com

 楼主| 发表于 2014-7-18 15:38:00 | 只看该作者

教你识破“神秘”巧合:林肯与肯尼迪的故事Albert_JIAO 发表于  2012-01-14 10:12

流言: 美国历史上的两位总统林肯与肯尼迪都是遇刺身亡,两人都有极多相似的巧合,其中有着一种神秘的力量发挥着作用。例如:
继承林肯的安德鲁.琼森(Andrew Johnson)生于1808年。继承肯尼迪的林登.琼森(Lyndon B. Johnson)生于1908年。
刺杀林肯的凶手布思(John Wilkes Booth)生于1839年。刺杀肯尼迪的凶手奥司华德(Lee Harvey Oswald)生于1939年。
真相: 关于林肯和肯尼迪之间种种巧合的故事在美国流传了几十年,影响深远。1963年,美国总统肯尼迪遇刺身亡,随后这样的段子就出现了,并且被各家大的、小的、靠谱的、不靠谱的媒体竞相转载。肯尼迪和林肯两个哥们之间的相似点也从最开始总结的几个,十几个发展到六十多个的版本,逐渐成为人尽皆知的“灵异事件”。[1]
在流传的“二肯”相似点中,很多是杜撰的,比如有相似点说“林肯的秘书叫肯尼迪,肯尼迪的秘书叫林肯,而且他们的秘书当时都曾劝告总统不要去被暗杀的地点”,事实真相是肯尼迪确实有一个秘书叫林肯,但是没有任何资料可以证明林肯有一个秘书叫肯尼迪,历史档案中,林肯在白宫的秘书名为John G. Necolay和John Hay。
“刺杀林肯的凶手布思(John Wilkes Booth)生于1839年,刺杀肯尼迪的凶手奥司华德(Lee Harvey Oswald)生于1939年”也是一条被硬拉上去的巧合。事实上,布思出生在1838年,而不是1839年。


林肯和肯尼迪生平中的确可以找到很多与数字100相关的事件,像林肯于1846年进入国会,肯尼迪于1946年进入国会,相隔100年;林肯于1860年当选美国总统,肯尼迪于1960年当选美国总统,相隔100年;继承林肯的安德鲁.琼森(Andrew Johnson)生于1808年,继承肯尼迪的林登.琼森(Lyndon B. Johnson)生于1908年;都确有其事。


结论:谣言粉碎。 林肯和肯尼迪之间的种种巧合一部分是编造的,一部分是真实的,但是其中很多只是牵强附会上的。如果考虑一下两人之间的不同点和任意两人之间都可以找到种种巧合的事实,你会发现“两肯”的所谓巧合其实并没有那么神奇和惊人,更谈不上灵异了。

 楼主| 发表于 2014-7-31 07:47:40 | 只看该作者
【数据】IU survey: U.S. journalists say they are less satisfied and have less autonomy
  • May 1, 2014
BLOOMINGTON, Ind. -- The reporters, editors and producers who put out the news every day are less satisfied with their work, say they have less autonomy in their work and tend to believe that journalism is headed in the wrong direction, according to the initial findings of "The American Journalist in the Digital Age," a representative survey of U.S. journalists conducted by the Indiana University School of Journalism.
Compared to the 2002 survey, the updated demographic profile of U.S. journalists reveals that they are now older on average, slightly more likely to be college graduates and less likely to identify with both the Republican and Democratic political parties. But there are still significantly more men than women in the profession, and fewer racial or ethnic minorities than in the general population.
The survey findings also indicate that U.S. journalists rely heavily on social media in their daily work. Most use social media to check for breaking news and to monitor what other news organizations are doing; these interactive media are used least often for verifying information and interviewing sources. Most agree that social media promotes them and their work, keeps them more engaged with their audiences and leads to faster reporting. Far fewer say that social media has decreased their workload, improved their productivity, allowed them to cover more news or enhanced their credibility.
This survey continues the series of major national studies of U.S. journalists begun in 1971 by sociologist John Johnstone and continued in 1982, 1992 and 2002 by David Weaver and his colleagues at Indiana University. Much as the U.S. Census does for the general population, these studies provide an important decennial measure of the pulse of U.S. journalism.
Key findings about U.S. journalists in 2013:
  • Most see journalism going in "wrong direction." Six in 10 journalists (59.7 percent) say that journalism in the United States is going in the wrong direction.
  • Newsrooms are shrinking. Six in 10 journalists (62.6 percent) say their workforces have shrunk during the past year, while only about a quarter (24.2 percent) said their staff numbers remained the same, and even fewer reported some growth (13.2 percent).
  • Journalists are getting older. The median age of full-time U.S. journalists increased by six years to 47 from 2002. This trend applies to journalists at daily and weekly newspapers, radio and television stations, newsmagazines, wire services and online news sites.
  • More women in journalism. The number of women in journalism increased by 4.5 percent. However, women still represent only slightly more than one-third of all full-time journalists working for the U.S. news media, as has been true since the early 1980s. This trend persists despite the fact that more women than ever are graduating from journalism schools.
  • Slightly fewer minority journalists. The number of minority journalists working for the U.S. news media has decreased slightly from 9.5 percent in 2002 to 8.5 percent in 2013. This means that the total percentage of minority journalists remains well below the overall percentage of minorities in the U.S. population (36.6 percent in 2012).
  • Journalists are more likely to have at least a bachelor’s degree. About 92 percent of all full-time U.S. journalists have at least a bachelor’s degree, but slightly fewer proportionately are journalism majors (37.4 percent).
  • Gender pay gap persists. Median income has climbed to about $50,000 in 2012, up 12.9 percent since 2002. This increase was less than half of the combined inflation rate of 29.5 percent during this decade (2001-12). Women’s salaries still trail those of men overall, but not among journalists with less than five years' experience.
  • More journalists say they are independents. In 2013, about half of all journalists (50.2 percent) said they were political independents, up about 18 percentage points from 2002. The number of those who identified with the Democratic Party dropped nearly 8 percentage points to 28.1 percent, while the number of journalists closer to the Republican Party decreased from 18 percent to 7.1 percent.
  • Job satisfaction drops further. Job satisfaction dropped from 33.3 percent of journalists who said they were “very satisfied” with their job in 2002, to 23.3 percent who said so in 2013. This trend continues the decline in job satisfaction that was observed between 1971 and 1992 but was interrupted with a positive bounce in 2002.
  • Perceived job autonomy also drops. The survey findings since 1982 document a continuing erosion of perceived professional autonomy in the nation’s newsrooms. While a majority (60 percent) of journalists said they had “almost complete freedom” in selecting their stories in 1971 and 1982, only a third (33.6 percent) said so in 2013.
  • Government "watchdog" role increases. When asked to identify priorities for news media, three-quarters (78.2 percent) of journalists said investigating government claims is “extremely important.” That percentage is up significantly from 2002 and exceeds the high water mark of 76 percent in the early 1970s.
  • More journalists value "analyzing complex problems." A clear majority of journalists (68.8 percent) also said that “analyzing complex problems” in society is extremely important. That percentage is up 18 points from 2002 and -- similar to the “government watchdog” role -- exceeds the high water mark of 61 percent observed in the early 1970s.
  • But getting out information quickly drops. In 2002, 58.9 percent of U.S. journalists said it was extremely important “to get out information to the public quickly.” A decade later, only 46.5 percent thought this role to be extremely important, possibly because of the competition of online news that started in the 1990s.
  • Reaching a mass audience continues to decline. In the era of specialized niche media, declining numbers of U.S. journalists said that concentrating on news that is of interest to “the widest possible audience” is extremely important. While 39 percent of journalists considered that role extremely important in 1971, this percentage dropped to 12.1 percent in 2013, the lowest ever.
  • Less support for controversial reporting techniques. The percentage of U.S. journalists endorsing the occasional use of “confidential business or government documents without authorization,” dropped significantly from 77.8 percent in 2002 to 57.7 percent in 2013. Similarly, the percentage of those who justify the occasional use of “personal documents without permission” decreased from 41 percent in 2002 to 24.9 percent in 2013.  Support for the occasional “badgering or harassing of unwilling informants” also fell from 52 percent to 37.7 percent during the same time period.
  • Social media changes news gathering. About 40 percent of U.S. journalists said social media is very important to their work. One-third (34.6 percent) of U.S. journalists spent 30 to 60 minutes every day on social networking sites. The findings also indicate that more than half (53.8 percent) of all U.S. journalists regularly use microblogs such as Twitter for gathering information and reporting their stories.
  • Social media used to stay informed and monitor competition. The most common uses of social media among U.S. journalists are to check for breaking news (78.5 percent) and to see what other news organizations are doing (73.1 percent). Social media also is regularly used to identify story ideas (59.8 percent), to interact with audiences (59.7 percent), to find additional information about a topic (56.2 percent) and to find news sources (54.1 percent). Social media is least often used for verifying information (24.7 percent), meeting new people in the field (21.9 percent) or interviewing news sources (20 percent).
  • Perceived impact of social media. A clear majority (80.3 percent) of U.S. journalists agreed that social media helps promote them and their work, and more than two-thirds (69.2 percent) said they are more engaged with their audiences. However, slightly less than half (48.9 percent) agreed that social media allows them to communicate better with relevant people, and only 29.7 percent said these media enhance their professional credibility. Few journalists said that social media improves productivity (25 percent), and fewer still said that it decreased their workload (6.3 percent).
The survey was funded by the IU School of Journalism. The authors are Lars Willnat, professor of journalism and director of graduate studies, and David H. Weaver, Distinguished Professor Emeritus of journalism and Roy W. Howard Professor Emeritus.
The survey sample included 1,080 randomly selected journalists who, as a group, match the characteristics of the universe of 83,000 editors, reporters and producers working full time in the mainstream news media. The overall number of journalists was down significantly from 116,000 in 2002. The survey findings will be published in a book titled "The American Journalist in the Digital Age," which will be available in early 2016.
Survey methodology
The findings come from online interviews with 1,080 U.S. journalists working for a wide variety of daily and weekly newspapers, radio and television stations, news services and news magazines and online news media throughout the United States. These interviews were conducted from Aug. 7 to Dec. 20, 2013.
The journalists were chosen randomly from news organizations that were also selected at random from listings in various media directories. All 3,500 journalists that were originally drawn into their sample were invited via email to participate in an online survey. They also received four follow-up reminders via email and one personal “nudge” call by telephone. The response rate for the final sample of 1,080 respondents was 32.6 percent, and the maximum sampling error at the 95 percent level of confidence is plus or minus 3 percentage points.
Because this study was intended to be a follow-up to the 1971, 1982, 1992 and 2002 national surveys of U.S. journalists, they followed closely the definitions of a journalist and the sampling methods used by these earlier studies to be able to compare their 2013 results directly with those of the earlier studies.
In drawing these samples, they had to make estimates of how many full-time journalists were working in the mainstream U.S. news media. They compared their final main sample percentages with the overall workforce percentages from these estimates. The largest differences were found for the online news organizations, the wire services of Associated Press and Reuters and for newsmagazines, which they oversampled because of their relatively small numbers.
In the end, the random sample of 1,080 included 358 daily newspaper journalists, 238 from weekly newspapers, 132 from television stations and networks, 97 from radio, 92 from online news organizations, 103 from the wire services and 60 from newsmagazines.


【数据惊奇】2013美国媒体人现状调查:记者平均年龄高达47岁,拥有大学学历者高达92.1%,不过对媒体职业的满意度降至40年来新低,接近六成的媒体人认为媒体行业正经历方向性错误…… 原文链接 http://t.cn/RPIV29T

 楼主| 发表于 2014-8-14 17:18:14 | 只看该作者

【数据新闻实务3题】1、数据获取从哪来?2、透过数据看什么?3、数据新闻怎么做?这篇报道详细介绍了笔者、@武大沈阳 @陈昌凤 诸位老师的精彩观点。上周末,@中国青年报@清华大学 新传院举办第四届深度报道研讨会,笔者结合@中大传播与设计学院 “数据可视化”课程,分享了这三个话题。

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2013-10-16 01:28來自微博 weibo.com

 楼主| 发表于 2014-8-16 20:22:25 | 只看该作者



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