For the Egyptian account, we find that the French classical scholar, Fernand Crombette, translated some Egyptian hieroglyphics which tell of Joshuaós long day.25 The text starts out with an edict from the king to exempt from taxation those who had been victims of a flood some two weeks earlier. Evidently the flood had been caused by an unusually high tide. The cause, according to the Egyptian hieroglyphics, was:
对于埃及的记载,我们发现,法国的古典学者,弗尔南 克侞姆彼特,翻译了一些古埃及象形文字对约书亚长日的叙述。铭文从国王出法令豁免那些约在两周之前,因遭受洪水侵袭的受害者的税务为开端。很明显,洪水已经造成了不同寻常的高潮位。这其中的原因,依据埃及象形文字所记载的事实是:
The sun, thrown into confusion, had remained low on the horizon, and by not rising had spread terror amongst the great doctors. Two days had been rolled into one. The morning was lengthened to one-and-a-half times the normal period of effective daylight. A certain time after this divine phenomenon,the master had an image built to keep further misfortune from the country.?
太阳陷入了错乱,它滞留在距离地平线很低的位置而不升起,这种现象在大学者们中间引起了恐慌。两天的光景被合并为一天 ,早晨实际被延长到相当于正常光景的一倍半。在这个天赐的特殊现象之后,无疑有一些的时期,这是造物主垂天象以阻止这个国家在长远的灾祸吗?
Hephaistos...grant protection to your worshipers. Prevent the words of these foreign travelers from having any effect. They are impostors. Let
these enemies of the sacrifices to the images be destroyed in the temples of the great gods by the people of all classes. Make life harder for these cursed worshipers of the Eternal. Punish them. Increase the hardships of these shepherds. Reduce the size of their herds. Burn their dwellings.?
〈希腊冥界之神〉赫菲斯托斯 (Hephaestus)给予你的崇拜者以保护。防止外国游客的话语所产生的效力。他们是骗子。让这些做为祭品的敌人被毁灭在这管辖各阶层民众的伟大的众神之庙里。使得这些被诅咒的崇拜者的生活永远艰难。严惩他们。加大这些牧羊人的困苦。使得他们的牲畜减少。烧毁他们的住所。
Rameses, our celestial ancestral chief; you who forced these wretched people to work, who ill-treated them, who gave them no help when they were in need: cast them into the sea. They made the moon stop in a small angle at the edge of the horizon. In a small angle on the edge of the horizon, the sun itself, which had just risen at the spot where the moon was going, instead of crossing the sky stayed where it was. Whilst the moon, following a narrow path, reduced its speed and climbed slowly, the sun stopped moving and its intensity of light was reduced to the brightness at daybreak. The waves formed a wall of water against the boats that were in the harbor and those that had left it. Those fishermen that had ventured onto the deck to watch the waves were washed into the sea.
拉美西斯,你是我们的祖先在空中的首领,正是你迫使这些可怜的人去工作,你虐待他们,当他们有需要的时候,你不给他们帮助:将他们投入海里。 这些冤魂使得月亮保持一个小角度垂在地平线上。保持一个小角度垂在地平线上。太阳升起的点位是按照月亮经过的路线,替代了它周行天空本来所应该停留的位置。月亮在与此同时,也随从一个狭小的轨迹,减少了它的速度并缓慢地爬升,太阳停止移动,并且它剧烈的光线被降低到拂晓之际天刚亮的程度。海浪引发了象墙一样的浪,冲击着停留在港湾里的船舶及留在其中的人们。那些冒险在甲板上观察海浪的渔夫,被海浪卷进了大海之中。
The tide, which had risen high, overflowed into the plains where the herds were grazing. The cattle drowned represented half the herds of Lower Egypt. The remains of abandoned boats broken against the sides of the canals were piled up in places. Their anchors, which should have protected them, had been ground into them. Quite out of control, the sea had penetrated deep into the country. The expanding waters reached the fortified walls constructed by Rameses, the celestial ancestral chief. The sea swept around both sides of the region behind, sterilizing the gar dens as it went and causing openings in the dikes. A great country had been turned into a wilderness and brought into poverty. All the crops that had been planted had been destroyed and heaps of cereal shoots lay scattered on the ground.
The Crombette account is significant for a number of reasons. For one, it tells that the moon ǒclimbed slowly,ō which would be correct if the moon
kept its orbital speed but stopped its daily motion. This is allowed by Joshua 10:13ós weaker statement on the moon: ǒand the moon stayed,ō instead
of the stronger ǒstopped,ō for ǒstayō may mean ǒto linger or wait to witness an event.ō Likewise, Crombetteós interpretation that the moon was going to the spot where the sun had risen is thus explained by having the moon continue its orbital motion and its being located west of the sun, perhaps
near last quarter.
法国学者——弗尔南克侞姆彼特的记载,是一个意义重大的原因。其一, 它告诉我们月球爬升缓慢,哦,这将是正确的,如果月球 保持其轨道的速度,但停止其日常的运动。这是与《圣经》约书亚书10章13节上的陈述是吻合的:“ 于是日头停留,月亮止住,直等国民向敌人报仇。这事岂不是写在雅煞珥书上吗?日头在天当中停住,不急速下落,约有一日之久。”(【圣经 约书亚书10:13】)。哦,弗尔南克侞姆彼特解释月亮运行经过了太阳升起所经过的位置,也以如此方式解释了月亮保持其轨道运行,并被安置在太阳的西边,这可能是发生在一年之中的最后一个季节。
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