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发表于 2014-8-29 11:06:05 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
在作者投稿过程中,对于自己已经发表的研究成果,要么加以引用,要么避而不谈。加以引用者是想说明自己的投稿是在已有工作基础上的更深入的研究结果;而避而不谈则另有隐情,有可能与已经发表的研究成果有很多重复内容,或者方法相同,内容有所差异;或者与以前的研究不相干或关系不大;…….。不管属于何种原因,合理、规范、科学的引用参考文献是必要,《撤稿瞭望》(Retraction Watch)网站2014826日就出现了因为作者参考文献信息不完整,而导致编辑发现作者重复发表而撤稿的案例。《博茨瓦纳农业与应用科学杂志》(Botswana Journal of Agriculture & Applied Sciences)主编O. R. Madibela教授在给作者的撤稿信中谈到,作者Mabe, R.对《博茨瓦纳农业与应用科学杂志》的投稿[size=18.399999618530273px]——Capacitydevelopment and the need for extension services: A case of mentorship foremerging sugarcane farmers’ in South Africa,编辑部已经进行了编辑和校对,但是在最后校对过程中发现有一条参考文献中缺少卷号——Enshayan, K., Stinner, D. andStinner, B. (1992).  Farmer to Farmer. Journal of Soil and WaterConservation, 47:127–130,本应该可以打电话让作者告诉即可,但是这样时间太长,倒不如编辑自己通过网络进行查找补充来的更快一些。但是,查找的结果使人感到惊讶,类似的研究结果已经在其他杂志上发表了。所以《博茨瓦纳农业与应用科学杂志》主编O. R. Madibela教授不得不告知作者Mabe, R.,你的待发表稿件尽管已经进行了最后终校,但是还是必须撤稿,不得重复发表。使得作者重复发表的黄樑美梦未能成真,当然编辑一丝不苟对待一字一句,精益求精斟酌一点一滴的敬业精神更是令人敬佩,也值得我们的编辑工作者仿效。

Incompletereference helps editor find duplicate paper — and retract article

Tracking retractions as a window into thescientific process
Incomplete reference helps editor findduplicate paper — and retract article
Below is the letter written to theauthor(s) of the article “Mabe, R. Capacity development and the need forextension services: A case of mentorship for emerging sugarcane farmers’ in South Africa”by the Chief Editor of BOJAAS with regard to redundant publication.
Professor O. R. Madibela (2014)
This memo is about the paper that yousubmitted to Botswana Journal of Agriculture and Applied Sciences titled“Capacity development and the need for extension services: A case of mentorshipfor emerging sugarcane farmers’ in South Africa
This paper is with printers and we weredoing the last proof reading when we noticed that one of the references,Enshayan, K., Stinner, D. and Stinner, B. (1992).  Farmer to Farmer.Journal of Soil and Water Conservation, 47:127–130 was missing a volume number.We could have called you to supply us with this information but we thought itwill waste time so we search the internet for the information. We weresurprised that the same work you have submitted to us has already beingpublished somewhere else (see attached article). It would be unethical for youand for me as the Chief Editor to go ahead and publish this research. It isclearly stated in the Guidelines for Authors that “It is understood thatsubmitting an article to BOJAAS means that it is not concurrently beingconsidered by another journal elsewhere” As such, your paper has been withdrawnfrom publishing.
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 楼主| 发表于 2014-8-29 11:06:15 | 只看该作者


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