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发表于 2016-3-9 21:36:50 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
2015年岁末,清华大学爱泼斯坦对外传播研究中心联合美国哈佛大学尼曼新闻实验室(Nieman Journalism Lab)约请世界各地的新闻学院院长、知名教授和媒体一线人士对2016年全球新闻传播的新趋势发表了看法。我们对访谈记录进行了整理,编译成中文以飨读者。


2015年可谓各类新闻机构争相尝试新型新闻服务之年,诸如脸书网的即时新闻、苹果公司新闻服务、阅后即焚(Snapchat)的“现场播报”和“发现”功能、推特“时刻”等服务不断涌现;但与此同时,对那些力图维持新闻提供者地位的传统机构而言,这也是可怕的一年。如今,移动端用户习惯于在一些核心应用上花费大量时间,于是脸书网、阅后即焚等平台开始在提供新闻方面凸显优势,使这类专为用户定制的应用内阅读体验不断流行起来。 步入2016年之际,绝大多数媒体公司正在谨慎地就各种类似方案开发试验,并不断试水。但如果我们放眼这个喧嚣的大选之年,就会发现下一个亟待解决的大问题便是此类平台将扮演怎样的编辑角色。 在这一方面,阅后即焚可谓一路领先。该应用正在打造一个致力于整理用户上传视频的编辑团队,并为视频内容添加补充信息。在加州圣伯纳迪诺枪击案发生时,他们便通过阅后即焚的“现场播报”功能进行了第一次突发事件报道。此外,该软件对2016的大选活动也有常规系列报道。有趣的是,其新闻阅读平台“发现”至今依旧像一个单独运作的沙箱*,供各个签约的媒体公司展现自己的特色内容,但这也有一种显得过分营销品牌的意味。相比之下,“现场播报”则凭借众多用户原创内容让其全球时事报道显得更直观,也更引人注目。 推特在去年发布了“时刻”功能,以此对热门话题的推文、图片和视频进行整合。通过综合来自新闻机构和普通用户的内容,“时刻”以一种比阅后即焚更具整合性的方式为用户讲述新闻故事。苹果新闻近期也上线了“头条新闻”推送功能,对各大新闻机构发布的重要新闻进行整合。 脸书网却是所有平台中最让人捉摸不透的,它同时上线了“即时新闻”、“Notify”和“热门话题”三个功能。“即时新闻”仅是一个嵌入用户动态消息的新闻推送服务,“Notify”的内容由用户个性化定制生成,而“热门话题”是其中唯一具有整合性的功能。“即时新闻”背后的推送算法究竟如何优于普通的新闻链接推送尚不明确,同样,从总体上看,这三个功能是如何凸显整合性的,也没有清晰的答案。 尽管这些行业巨头们有各自的一套新闻整合模式,但在步入2016年之际,它们和其它任何新闻机构一样,都面临着各种挑战。对这些机构而言,与极大权力一同到来的,还有核实信息的责任,它们要通过提供多元内容以确保用户的知情权、在全球和地方层面均做好内容报道,雇佣并打造一个随时准备做出艰难抉择的编辑团队。同时,它们也要与互相竞争的公司保持良好关系。

http://www.niemanlab.org/2015/12 ... ial-responsibility/

原文Platforms face editorial responsibility
“With great power comes the great responsibility of verifying information, delivering diverse content that keeps users informed, managing coverage at a global and local level, and hiring an editorial staff prepared to make tough decisions.”
Facebook Instant Articles, Apple News, Snapchat Live & Discover, Twitter Moments…2015 was a fun year for news organizations trying out new formats and a terrifying year for those trying to maintain their status as a destination for news. As mobile users continue to spend the majority of their time on a core set of apps, platforms like Facebook or Snapchat started to take advantage, rolling out these custom in-app experiences. Heading into 2016, most media companies are still warily experimenting with these options and testing the waters. But the next big question as we look ahead to a tumultuous election year is the editorial role these platforms will play. Snapchat is speeding ahead, building an editorial staff devoted to curating user-generated snaps and supplementing them with information bites. They covered their first breaking news event in Snapchat Live during the San Bernardino shootings, and they have a regular series on the 2016 campaign trail. Interestingly, Discover is still a separate sandbox for media companies to feature their content, which tends to feel over-branded. Live, with its user-generated content, is a much more fascinating and intimate view of current events around the world. Twitter launched Moments, curating tweets, images, and video around trending topics. It’s more of a hybrid than Snapchat, combining content from brands and users to tell a story. Apple News recently rolled out a Top Stories feed, curating top stories from publishers. Facebook is the murkiest of the bunch, launching Instant Articles, Notify, and a Trending section. One is just a content format that lives within the News Feed, one is personalized by users, and the third is the only obviously curated piece. It’s not clear yet how the algorithm weights Instant Articles vs. standard links, or generally how curation comes into play with all three of these features. These big players each have a different approach to curation, but all will face the challenges of any news organization as they head into 2016. With great power comes the great responsibility of verifying information, delivering diverse content that keeps users informed, managing coverage at a global and local level, and hiring an editorial staff prepared to make tough decisions. All while maintaining a relationship with the very companies they’re starting to cannibalize.
Dheerja Kaur is head of product at the Skimm.
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