
标题: 终止针对记者犯罪不受惩罚现象国际日 [打印本页]

作者: admin    时间: 2018-11-3 11:29
标题: 终止针对记者犯罪不受惩罚现象国际日

联合国  美国驻华大使馆  2018-11-02
"值此国际日之际,我向那些不顾恐吓和威胁,每天做好本职工作的新闻记者表示敬意。他们的工作——以及他们已经牺牲的同事的工作——提醒我们,真相永远不会消亡。我们致力于维护表达自由这一基本权利的承诺也决不会消亡。" ——联合国秘书长安东尼奥·古特雷斯“终止针对记者犯罪不受惩罚现象国际日”致辞。
"On this day, I paytribute to journalists who do their jobs every day despite intimidation andthreats. Their work – and that of their fallen colleagues -- reminds us thattruth never dies. Neither must our commitment to the fundamental right tofreedom of expression."
— UN Secretary-GeneralAntónio Guterres, marking ‘UN International Day to End Impunity for Crimesagainst Journalists.
From 2006 to 2017, close to1010 journalists have been killed for reporting the news and bringinginformation to the public. In nine out of ten cases the killers go unpunished.Impunity leads to more killings and is often a symptom of worsening conflictand the breakdown of law and judicial systems.

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