马上就是新闻系成立十周年了,而我已经在这个新闻系苟活了三年了。三年前填志愿的时候,这个学校和这个专业都是我的第一志愿,我一直不敢说出来,因为我觉得是一种耻辱。毕竟和许多调剂过来的人比,我的专业成绩是无法直视的。当初也并不知道什么“无冕之王”,只是因为“学新闻”这仨字听起来特牛逼,而且不怕谁笑话,我当时还有真有那种“改变世界”的新闻理想和抱负,其实这是一个不经过大脑思考的傻子的傻抱负。我高三的时候,有一次指着《新闻联播》里主持人对我爸妈说,我以后就坐这儿,把我妈乐的,夸我有志气——简直too young too simple!
When I was a little girl I am crazy about a black box, you know, it's television. I usually think I can speak in the screen, because I think it's so cool and I figure everyone has the dream to show yourself to all of people. Therefore, I made a choice about my future that I want to be a host. When I was faced with college entrance examination, I think I must follow my heart, just one more time. Finally, I convince my folks to support me to study the presiding, but they went back quickly after a while, because they also think steady art will no future. So, I just continued to study hard in order to pass the examination, but I never give up this crazy dream. When I filled out the form of application, I choose the Television Broadcasting Science, because this major's name has a word--television, it's I am crazy for, and this time my folks were not opposed.
But, when I really start to study this major, I think I was wrong, I had a big mistake, I suspected I was cheated by this major, because the course we studied between the major's name was not correlated, so I figure television this word is an ornamental in the name, and in fact, he should be called the journalism. Yep, for as you see, my major tricked me like a brutal fraud, and my dream broken again and again.
Now, after three years of study, I seemly to be a bit in love with this major although I still don't understand a thing and I will not work in this industry about the journalist, speak the truth, I feel I learn so much knowledge and gain so much skills in this major, for instance, it teach me how to analyze the problem stand in an objective stance, how to treat everyone fairly, how to be a person of integrity. This knowledge not only belongs any subject, but also is useful in every step in your life.
Finally saying is, for my subject, I just want to say thanks. Although it not decides my job in the future, it has some impact for my choice, when I am given choose between the true and the false, my subject will tell me to choose the true; when I am given choose between the emotional and the rational, my subject will tell me to choose the rational; when I am given choose between the bravery and the cowardice, my subject will tell me to choose the bravery; then, this choose will become my life, the life is always affected by my subject.